Reiki dates back 2500 years ago, originating from the Buddhist traditions, coming from India having passed through Tibet and China to Japan. Reiki was forgotten about for a long time, and Dr. Mikado Usui rediscovered it in the early 20th century and taught Dr. Chujiro Hayahi who then standardised it. The first Reiki clinic was started by Chujiro Hayahi's student Hawayo Takata in 1970. In 1991 Reiki made an appearance in the UK, with just 100 Reiki Masters and students.
Reiki is the Japanese translation 'universal life energy'. 'Rei' meaning universal and the 'ki' meaning life energy. Energy flows through all living things, be that humans, animals, plants etc. The energy 'ki' flows freely through all these living things.
Reiki practitioners use a technique called palm healing or hand-on healing through which the 'universal energy' is transferred through the palms of the practitioner to the patient in order to encourage emotional, mental, physical healing. The energy enters through the practitioners' head flowing down through to the palms.
The energy needs to be able to flow with ease to ensure a good balance, if you become unwell mentally, physically or emotionally there might be a blockage. Reiki helps clear those blockages, in turn each Chakra will harmonise relieving the client of their issues aiding healing.
Reiki is very gentle and extremely relaxing. It has been effective helping virtually every known illness and always creates a beneficial effect.
Reiki helps relieve and reduces anxiety, stress, depression and pain, aids better sleep, improves mood, strengthens the immune system and enhances personal awareness, health and wellbeing, positive thinking and clarity including promoting healing on all levels.
Reiki can also be done by distance. This works by Reiki energy connecting on our spiritual and energetic levels. It works because energy is not limited by distance. Distance is only a physical limitation, so sessions can be done without the patient being physically present.
Reiki is also used as a combination therapy in the NHS alongside conventional interventions, such as medication, psychology work and other input and is regulated by two Regulatory Bodies.
The 5 Reiki principles, and how to incorporate them into your life
· Just for today, do not worry. ...
· Just for today, do not anger. ...
· Just for today, be humble. ...
· Just for today, be honest. ...
· Just for today, be compassionate toward yourself and others. ...
· Just for today, I will earn my living honestly.