Privacy Statement
In line with GDPR, I am required to tell you what I do with your personal information, once you have completed your intake/consent form.
What data do I keep and why do I need it?
- Basic information that is set out on your intake/consent forms i.e. Name, age, this helps me get to know you.
- Address, email, phone number – I use this as a way of contacting you regarding your sessions. I will mainly use the method you first contacted me on, but if I cannot reach you, I will try a difference method.
- Doctors details – If I was worried that you were at risk then I may need to contact your doctor, if I can, I will tell you I am going to do this.
- Session notes – I keep very brief anonymous notes of our sessions, this ensures we have covered everything and can evaluate passed sessions if needed.
Will I share your information?
- It is highly unlikely that I will share your information to any third party, I will not sell it or use it for unethical reasons.
- I might send you promotions that I’m doing from time to time.
How will I store your data?
- It depends on the data; It is mainly stored in your own file on paper (intake/consent forms), which is in a lockable cabinet.
- Any emails are stored in the computer, which has a password to access, only I know this password.
- I will store your number on my mobile, under your first name and last initial. Only I will access your information, my mobile has a passcode and only I know this.
How long will I store your data for and how will I dispose of it?
- For medical reasons, I keep your session notes, your name and intake/consent forms for 5 years.
- I will shred these documents and dispose of carefully after the 5 years.
- I will delete your number out of my mobile, 1 month after our work finishes.
Do you consent to me using your data in this way? Yes or No
Name: _______________________________________________
Sign: _______________________________________________
Date: _______________________________________________